The project, which is helmed by Siddharth Anand, has been receiving immense love from both the audiences and film industry members. Bollywood’s popular stars, who recently watched Pathaan in theatres are now heaping praises on Shah Rukh Khan’s recent blockbuster with special social media posts. Vicky Kaushal is the latest name to join the bandwagon of B’town stars who are heaping praise on Pathaan. The talented actor, who got all emotional after watching Shah Rukh Khan’s stellar performance in Pathaan, took to his official Instagram handle and shared his review of the film with a heartfelt note. Vicky Kaushal shared a click from the theatres with the superstar on the silver screen on his Instagram story and wrote: You make us all dream to be a part of the movies all over again. Thank you @iamsrk (red heart emoji) Well, it is clear that the National award-winner, who is a die-hard fan of Shah Rukh Khan, is clearly thrilled to witness the comeback of his idol.

    Source: Bollywood DailyPathaan, which has hit the theatres as the latest installment in the spy universe established by YRF (Yash Raj Film), has been receiving immense love from Bollywood. The famous celebs of the industry including Hrithik Roshan, filmmaker Karan Johar, actor Rajkummar Rao, Anurag Kashyap, Farah Khan, actress Raveena Tandon, and many others took to their official social media handles and penned their reviews of the film.Comment down your views in the down section.


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