Vidya Balan’s team has strongly countered claims that her tweet supporting Rohit Sharma was part of a “PR activity.” The actress had earlier shared a heartfelt message praising the Indian cricketer for his selfless act of donating a significant amount to charity. Some critics had speculated that the tweet was strategically placed as part of a PR stunt. However, Vidya’s team clarified that the message was genuine, and the actress was simply moved by Rohit’s philanthropic gesture.

    Source:- bbc news

    According to her team, Vidya Balan has always been vocal about supporting causes that resonate with her, and in this case, she was inspired by Rohit Sharma’s commitment to making a difference. They emphasized that her tweet was an expression of admiration for the cricketer’s generosity, reflecting her personal values rather than any promotional agenda.

    Source:- news 18

    Vidya Balan’s team further pointed out that the actress has always been committed to causes close to her heart, and her support for Rohit was an extension of that. The statement sought to put to rest any doubts regarding the authenticity of her tweet, reaffirming that it was a heartfelt acknowledgment of Rohit Sharma’s selfless act.

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