Indian-American Congressmen have recently voiced their strong condemnation of the ongoing violence against Hindus in Bangladesh, urging an immediate end to the targeted attacks and systemic discrimination faced by the minority community. In a joint statement, Representatives Raja Krishnamoorthi, Ro Khanna, and Pramila Jayapal emphasized their deep concern over the recent spate of violent incidents that have wreaked havoc on Hindu temples, homes, and businesses in Bangladesh.

    Source:- news 18

    The Congressmen highlighted that such violence undermines the fundamental principles of human rights and religious freedom. They pointed out that the attacks have not only caused immense suffering but also threaten the multicultural fabric of Bangladeshi society. The Representatives called on the Bangladeshi government to take decisive action to protect its Hindu citizens, ensure justice for the victims, and prevent further escalation of the violence.

    Source:- BBC news

    In addition to their call for immediate measures, the Congressmen underscored the importance of international support and diplomatic pressure to address this issue. They urged the U.S. State Department to engage with Bangladeshi officials and advocate for the safety and rights of religious minorities. Furthermore, they encouraged the U.S. government to leverage its influence within international organizations to address human rights violations and promote interfaith harmony.

    The Indian-American leaders also expressed solidarity with the Hindu community, both in Bangladesh and the diaspora, reaffirming their commitment to supporting global human rights initiatives. They stressed that violence and discrimination based on religion have no place in any society and called for a united effort to ensure that such injustices are confronted and eradicated.

    This collective stance from Indian-American Congressmen highlights the growing concern over religious intolerance and serves as a reminder of the global responsibility to uphold human dignity and protect vulnerable communities.

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