A global internet advocacy group called Keep It On reports that there were 116 shutdowns in the previous year. Punjab and Manipur experienced the greatest number of shutdowns. According to the research, regional rather than local shutdown orders are being issued more frequently. In Manipur, there were 47 shutdowns, and in Punjab, there was one for the entire state.

    In 2023, there was a 212-day service suspension in Manipur. In 2023, there were shutdowns in as many as 13 states and UTs, and both the quantity and length of shutdowns have risen over time.India’s questionable leadership on shutdowns is evident from the fact that Myanmar, which witnessed 37 shutdown orders, is on second place, followed by Iran, Palestine, and Ukraine.

    Source: Newslaundry

    Today, the internet is a necessary tool for communication. India has the second-largest internet user population globally, with over 825 million users. Internet usage increased by 8% annually in 2023. Everyday life is impacted by social media, digital entertainment, and communications, therefore a suspension of internet service would cause disruptions. 

    It’s important to remember that internet shutdowns also violate people’s rights of speech and expression. It is similar to censorship and halts the flow of information.The Supreme Court has stated repeatedly that it opposes the shutdown of the internet. Government limits on internet access must be temporary, limited, legal, and reasonable, according to the ruling in the Anuradha Bhasin case. Additionally, it has established guidelines and protections to guarantee that the government exercises its authority justly. Still, the number of shutdowns has gone up.

    Source: Dream IAS Lucknow

    Manipur and Kashmir have been the most affected by internet outages. Services in Kashmir were halted for several months following the 2019 repeal of Article 370. It is employed as a weapon to quell agitations and rallies, such as the farmers’ demonstrations. It should not be employed as a tool for maintaining law and order or security. In reality, it backfires because when regular dialogues and interactions are prohibited, rumours and false information proliferate and public mistrust of authority increases. It exacerbates social tension, erodes civil society, and strengthens the authoritarian position of the State.

    Even in dictatorships and nations ripped apart by conflict and violence, shutdowns are extremely uncommon in democracies and significantly less common than in India. They are also very expensive economically. India reportedly lost $1.9 billion in the first half of 2023 as a result of internet interruptions. They now serve as just another indicator of the nation’s democracy eroding.

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