Source : Google images event took place at a restaurant in Zhejiang province. Sister Wukong alongwith her friends and family was there at the restaurant. They had ordered juice and got floor cleaner instead. Her husband took the first sip and reported a funny taste. They later realised that it was a mistake and all of them were rushed to a hospital to get their stomachs pumped. This is a method doctors use when they have to empty the contents of the stomach in an emergency.
    Source : Google imagesI took one sip and swallowed. My throat felt very bad immediately, she said according to a report. This happened due to the bad eyesight of a waitress who mistook floor cleaner for juice. She later admitted to her mistake and said that she did not regularly work there, but was filling in for a day. Wukong had also shared a video in which she showed all those people admitted in the hospital which was later taken down. The type of the detergent wasn’t clear but most floor detergents in China look like juice. Sister Wukong said that they will demand compensation from the restaurant later and are now in a stable position.
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