Based on the catastrophic twin effects of the naturally occurring El Nino and the trapping of heat emitted by man-made greenhouse gases that play havoc with the weather and cause widespread destruction, the prediction of an alarming rise of 1.5 u00b0C over the pre-industrial era levels for some time during 2023u201327.
    Source: World Meteorological Organization
    The good news is that this increase in global temperatures is just transitory, according to the WMO. However, it is just another ominous sign that global warming is happening. And that the world is bound for disaster unless real efforts are undertaken to uphold the commitments made at the Conferences of the Parties conducted by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change throughout the decades to limit the temperature trajectory.
    It takes money to change the world for the better, whether it’s switching to renewable energy or being ready to protect and rehabilitate those who live in vulnerable places. As reparation for the losses they have created through carbon emissions throughout their industrialization processes over the past century, the wealthy countries owe the developing countries the billions of dollars in climate finance that they committed to provide. 

    Source: ABC News (Australia)
    It’s time to get revenge for putting the Earth in this hazardous situation. It is now the turn of the developing world to assert its right to protect its people, who are susceptible to disastrous effects from extreme weather, and ecosystem, and to catch up to the developed countries. It’s time to force the developed West to provide climate justice. 
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