The rumors intensified when it was revealed on social media that Rohit had unfollowed Kohli on Instagram. When the topic of a possible feud between Kohli and Rohit came up, the Indian team played down the rumors. However, in his book ‘Coaching Beyond,’ former fielding coach R Sridhar revealed whether or not there was a schism.
    While there was no personal grudge between the two players, Sridhar wrote in his book that the rumors had divided the team into two groups.

    Source: CrickaithAfter the 2019 World Cup, there was a lot of negative press about what allegedly happened in the dressing room during our campaign and following our semifinal loss to New Zealand. 
    We were informed that there was a Rohit camp and a Virat camp, that someone had unfollowed another on social media – stuff that could be unsettling if you allowed it to fester, Sridhar wrote in ‘Coaching Beyond’.
    India arrived in the United States following a heartbreaking semi-final loss to New Zealand in the 2019 World Cup.
    Before the series against the West Indies began, Team India’s then-head coach, Ravi Shastri, called both Rohit and Kohli and addressed the issue.
    We arrived in the United States (US) about ten days after the World Cup to play a T20 series against the West Indies in Lauderhill. One of the first things Ravi did upon his arrival was summon Virat and Rohit to his room and impress upon them the importance of being on the same page if Indian cricket was to thrive. 
    ‘Whatever happened on social media is fine, but you two are the most senior cricketers, so this must stop,’ Ravi said emphatically. I want you to put all of this behind you and come together so we can move forward.
    This passage from Sridhar’s book confirmed that there was some unrest in the Indian camp, but it was quickly resolved by Ravi Shastri.
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