Meanwhile, at his pre-tournament news conference in New York, world No.3 Rafael Nadal stated, In some ways, we know that Novak will not play for a while if nothing changes in terms of the regulations, no? We knew this for months. It’s heartbreaking from my standpoint. It’s always a tragedy when the world’s finest players are unable to compete in a tournament due to injury or other factors. In this instance, not having one of the top players in history in the Grand Slam draw is always a big miss, isn’t it? As I mentioned, it’s difficult for the fans and the event, Nadal remarked.Check out what Nadal and current world number one Medvedev had to say on Djokovic missing the US Open
    On being asked about his opinion, Nadal further added, I believe it is difficult for the players as well, since we want to have the finest field possible. On the other hand, as I’ve mentioned several times, the sport is greater than any individual person. Without a doubt, injuries caused me to miss several major events during my tennis career. I wasn’t here last year. I wasn’t here two years ago. The competition continued. Tennis continues to thrive. Even though it is not good news for everyone, the world and tennis will move on after me, Novak, and Roger. Every year, the slams champion will be crowned. That’s all. Without a question, Novak is one of the most influential players in our sport’s history during the previous 20 years. I personally feel sad for him since he is unable to travel here.Is Novak being unvaccinated the correct decision on his end? What do you think? Comment your opinion down below.


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