New Delhi, India – As India faces increasing foreign criticism over a range of issues, including human rights abuses, religious intolerance, and its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, the country’s defensive aggression is proving to be counterproductive.
    Instead of addressing the concerns raised by the international community, Indian officials have adopted a defensive stance, pushing back against what they perceive as unwarranted interference in the country’s affairs.
    While this may play well to domestic audiences, it is unlikely to win over the global community, which is increasingly critical of India’s policies and actions.
    The recent decision by Twitter to label tweets by Indian politicians, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, as manipulated media has further escalated tensions between India and the social media giant.Source:- business standards 
    In response, Indian officials have accused Twitter of bias and threatened legal action, further damaging the country’s reputation as a champion of free speech.
    This defensive aggression is also evident in India’s handling of the ongoing border dispute with China, which has seen both countries engage in military posturing and aggressive rhetoric.
    While India’s determination to defend its territorial integrity is understandable, its aggressive stance risks escalating tensions and undermining efforts to find a peaceful resolution to the conflict.
    As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, India’s defensive aggression is becoming an increasingly ineffective approach to dealing with foreign criticism.
    Instead, Indian officials must adopt a more constructive approach, engaging with the international community to address concerns and find solutions that benefit both India and the world. Only then can India truly emerge as a global leader and a respected member of the international community.

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