With milk playing such a major role in the lives of the Indians, youu2019re forced to wonder. Where do we get to milk the cheapest and where do we get it most expensive in India? Well, to everyoneu2019s surprise, Bengaluru, the IT capital of India has the cheapest milk in India.And Hyderabad has the most expensive milk beating New Delhi, Mumbai, Ahemdabad, and Chennai. Toned milk in Bengaluru costs Rs.38 and toned milk from Hydrabad costs Rs.49. So why does one of Indiau2019s most prosperous cities have the cheapest milk? The subsidized milk prices are mainly due to the Karnataka Govt schemes where in 2008 the government gave an incentive of Rs.2 per liter over the procurement charges, in 2016 the incentive was further raised to Rs.5 per liter and it was again increased to Rs.6 in 2019. As Karnataka heavily incentivized the milk farmers, the production of milk skyrocketed as well. In 2008-9 Karnataka used to procure 30.25 lakh-kg of milk per day but now Karnataka procures over 81.66 lakh-kg of milk per day, That’s a 270% increase in milk production!The milk production in Karnataka is so massive that in 2019-20 the Karnataka govt paid out incentives worth 1,460 Cr for the milk producers. But while the milk procurement is steaming ahead at a great pace but the consumption has not caught on to the milk produced in Karnataka, So essentially there is more milk being produced than consumed in Karnataka, and hence Bengaluru has the cheapest milk in India.


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