The Indian youth’s disengagement from electoral politics is a growing concern. Despite being a significant demographic, many young Indians seem indifferent to the electoral process. This disinterest can be attributed to several factors:

    1. Lack of Representation and Trust: Many young voters feel that politicians do not represent their interests. The political landscape often seems dominated by seasoned politicians who are perceived as out of touch with contemporary issues. This disconnect fosters skepticism and a belief that voting won’t bring about meaningful change.

    Source:- news 18

    2. Disillusionment with Corruption: Persistent corruption and inefficiency in governance have eroded trust in political institutions. Young people, who are often more idealistic, become disillusioned when they see that their efforts to engage in the system may be futile in the face of systemic corruption.

    Source:- BBC news

    3. Inadequate Political Education: There is a notable lack of political education in schools and colleges. Without a clear understanding of the importance of voting and how political processes work, many young individuals lack the motivation to participate. The absence of robust civic education means that the electoral process is often perceived as complicated and irrelevant.

    4. Social Media Overload: The rise of social media has created a platform for activism but also led to superficial engagement. Many young people may express their views online but refrain from translating that passion into tangible actions like voting. The digital sphere, while influential, often lacks the depth required for effective civic engagement.

    5. Focus on Immediate Concerns: Young people are frequently preoccupied with immediate issues such as employment, education, and personal growth. The long-term benefits of voting may seem less pressing compared to these urgent personal concerns.

    To address this issue, there needs to be a concerted effort to bridge the gap between the youth and political processes. Enhancing political education, improving transparency, and fostering genuine dialogue between politicians and young voters could encourage greater participation.

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