Rupali Ganguli plays the character of Anupama. She is a very experienced actor in the television industry. After a long sabbatical, she returned with a loud explosion.
    Every woman is relating with this serial because she, too, is dealing with the same issues depicted in it.In the serial, they tell us how to overcome the problems we face in our daily lives.The environment shown in this serial connects people to their daily lives, such as happiness, festivals, weddings, and illness.Anupama forces Rajan Shahi to tell out about his band, which includes Rupali Ganguly and Gaurav Khanna.Anupama is a global phenomenon, and many owe the show’s popularity to its creator, Rajan Shahi.Chatting about all this he told bollywood life’ I think I have always wanted to be an underdog .You can be a fantastic artist, writer, creative, or director, but it will all be for naught if you do not have the correct platform. I believe I have a solid foundation. As we all know, successful women have clear goals.They think they have the right to dream and attain their goals. This gives them the inner fortitude to face challenges with an open mind and a desire to learn and grow. We should all practise self-improvement in all aspects of our lives.Women was powerful not because she wasn’t scared but because she went on so strongly, despite the fear.Comment down your thoughts on this.


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