Halloween is best known for trick-or-treating, dressing up in costume, visiting haunted houses, telling scary stories, and other activities.Halloween is claimed to have evolved from the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, which was observed by Celts 2000 years ago. This celebration marks the conclusion of the harvest season. People thought that by celebrating the event, their gods would protect their families and harvests during the upcoming long, harsh winter. Some people used to believe that ghosts roamed the streets on Halloween night, and they were terrified by the encounter.Watch the NYC parade here:
    They started wearing masks to trick the ghosts into thinking they were other spirits. Jack-o-lanterns are carved pumpkins. People used to keep jack-o-lanterns outside their homes on Halloween night to frighten away evil spirits. People nowadays carve all kinds of goofy and terrifying faces on pumpkins as decorations.There is a growing tendency in the United States for a second Halloween celebration in July, which is an extra special day for Halloween aficionados to enjoy the event twice in a year.Young people have begun to celebrate this event with their friends, and while it cannot be compared to the Halloween obsession, it is progressively gaining popularity in India as well.Comment your thoughts on this below.


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