The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has demanded answers from the West Bengal government regarding a case involving the alleged rape and murder of a 28-year-old doctor in Kolkata. The incident has sparked outrage, with the BJP questioning the state’s handling of the case and accusing it of attempting to cover up the crime. The victim, a junior doctor working in a private hospital, was found dead in her flat in the city’s Anandapur area on August 17. Her body showed signs of severe injuries, raising suspicions of sexual assault before murder.

    Source:- news 18

    BJP leaders have raised concerns over reports that money was allegedly offered to the victim’s family to suppress the case. The party’s state president, Sukanta Majumdar, and other leaders have questioned why money was offered and demanded a thorough investigation to ensure justice for the victim. Majumdar accused the ruling Trinamool Congress (TMC) of shielding the culprits, suggesting a nexus between the accused and influential figures within the state government.

    Source:- BBC news

    The BJP has called for a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) probe into the matter, arguing that the state police cannot be trusted to conduct an impartial investigation. The case has brought renewed scrutiny on the state’s law and order situation, with critics accusing the government of failing to protect women and maintain justice. The TMC, on the other hand, has dismissed the BJP’s allegations as baseless and politically motivated, asserting that the investigation is ongoing and that the truth will emerge in due time.


    The doctor’s death has prompted widespread protests, with calls for stricter laws and more robust protection for women. The demand for answers continues to escalate as political tensions between the BJP and TMC intensify in West Bengal.

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