Prashant Kishor, a prominent Indian political strategist, has announced that he will not be seeking any political position in the upcoming Jan Suraaj movement. Kishor, who has played a significant role in shaping the electoral strategies of various political parties, made this declaration in a recent statement. His decision reflects his focus on strategic consultancy rather than direct political engagement.

    Source:- news 18

    Kishor’s announcement comes as a surprise to many, given his influential role in recent political campaigns. Known for his strategic acumen, Kishor has been instrumental in the success of several political movements across India. By opting out of holding any political office, he aims to continue providing strategic insights and guidance without being entangled in political positions.

    Source:- BBC news

    This move could be seen as a strategic choice to maintain his independence and credibility as a consultant. Kishor’s involvement in the Jan Suraaj initiative will likely be limited to offering strategic advice and support, rather than assuming any formal role within the movement. His decision underscores a commitment to his role as a strategist rather than a politician.

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