Afshin, currently of age 20, weighs 6.5kg and is 65.24 cms in height. Alongwith his family, he travelled to the Dubai office of Guinness World Records where he also visited world’s tallest building, the Burj Khalifa. Afshin was measured three times over the course of 24 hours to get accurate measurements. Due to his small stature, he was not allowed to attend the schools in his village. Although he struggled with literacy, he is delighted to have recently learned to write his name. He also struggles with other things like having to wear clothes of 2-3 year olds. He does not however, like those designs and gets his clothes custom made. Hailing from a small village in Iran, he hopes to create a better life for his parents and help them. With the newfound recognition and fame, he thinks his dreams might come true! I like the attention I get from people. It makes me feel special, said Afshin in an interview. What do you think about Afshin and his story? Comment down below!


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