Action needs to be taken to stop powerful officials from representing any interest group or power group and to prevent any cooperation between officials and businesspeople. According to the official Xinhua News Agency, Xi made the remarks on Monday at a gathering of anti-corruption authorities. 
    Additionally, he issued a warning against any infiltration of capital into politics that threatens to destabilise the political ecosystem or the conditions necessary for economic growth.
    Recent regulatory easing by the Xi administration toward tech behemoths like Tencent Holdings Ltd. and Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. has helped their shares recover. However, there are still concerns about how far that strategy would go given that Xi has also promised to ensure shared prosperity, in part by curtailing affluent special interests.Over the past ten years, Xi has made fighting corruption a key component of his leadership of the second-largest economy in the world. The public has embraced this strategy, and it has helped him clear out any possible rivals. According to the CCDI, the campaign has ensnared about 4.7 million officials. 
    Sun Lijun, a former police official who was sentenced to what amounts to life in jail for accepting bribes and other offences, was the leader of what anti-corruption officials referred to as a political clique that was dismantled last year.



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