As this was going on, the sangh parivar committed to a long-term mission of nation-remaking through the progressive entrenchment of ideology and organisation, both of which required a system of collegial political leadership.
    As evidenced by the bizarre pageantry just held at the Narendra Modi stadium in Ahmedabad, it has taken more than seven decades for the sangh parivar to feel safe enough in the framework of Hindu rashtra to allow something similar to an ersatz Hindu royalty.
    Source: News Drum
    Modi is currently not the only one vying for the honour of Hindu Hriday Samrat, though. Yogi Adityanath has now attained the charismatic degree of Hindutva leadership that was previously only attained by Modi. Three recent pieces of evidence are available from us.
    First, according to the January 2018 Mood of the Nation poll, 39% of respondents said Adityanath was the finest chief minister in the nation.
    Two, Adityanath acquired the unmistakable seal of the Indian Establishment at the Uttar Pradesh Global Investors Summit in February. The industrialist Mukesh Ambani hailed the golden age of Uttar Pradesh under Adityanath as the mainstream media went all out to highlight the 34 lakh crore investment figure. President Droupadi Murmu referred to Uttar Pradesh as the growth engine of New India, while Ambani referred to it as the hub of hope for all of India.

    Source: Study IQ IAS
    Finally, a senior minister named Nitin Gadkari last week compared Adityanath to Lord Krishna and saw ram rajya’s potential in his transformative deeds. Since that Gadkari’s political base is thought to be located at the Nagpur headquarters of the RSS, one may presume that he was also representing the interests of his funders.
    Adityanath has surpassed other competitors, not that he is now in a position to challenge Modi for the top leadership post.
    Grand initiatives (like Adityanath’s plan for a one trillion dollar economy) that may not accomplish much but satisfy the desire for and celebrate the attainment of a new Hindu popular sovereignty are nourished by the political unity of the Hindu people. Adityanath has developed into the most prominent exponent of this Hindu sovereign role, making him not only the most powerful chief minister in the nation but also the front-runner to become the leader of the New India’s government.
    What do you think about this? Comment below.


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