The largest iPhone production facility for Apple Inc. is located in Zhengzhou, which gained international attention when images on social media showed hundreds of workers engaging in violent altercations over unpaid salaries and worries about virus infections. Later, Foxconn Technology Group, Apple’s primary worldwide production partner, started giving any employee who opted to quit 10,000 yuan ($1,395) in compensation.The majority of the individuals have subsequently been relocated via a closed-loop arrangement, according to the Xuzhou city statement. The remaining people were housed in a different pandemic bubble system with minimal access to the outside world.It said, without specifying which business, that the individuals were all former workers of a major enterprise in the airport economic zone of Zhengzhou. Questions posed to a Foxconn representative were not answered. In an effort to contain an expanding outbreak, local authorities in Zhengzhou earlier this week imposed a five-day lockdown of the city’s major urban regions.
    Even though Foxconn’s neighbourhood was exempt from the so-called mobility controls, the iPhone plant is situated in a high-risk area, so movement restrictions akin to a lockdown are still in effect.China seizes control of the city housing the biggest iPhone factory.Local Covid risks, according to Xuzhou, are manageable; as a result, citizens must now show a negative test result within 48 hours in order to enter public places, as opposed to the previous 72 hours .Comment your thoughts below.


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