Many old viruses are emerging from the glaciers as a result of the increasing global warming. After reviving a zombie virus that had been imprisoned beneath a frozen lake in Russia for a record 50,000 years, French microbiologist Jean-Marie Alempic of the French National Centre for Scientific Research has raised concerns about yet another pandemic.
     Source: Foreign PolicyAccordingto a prior study, humans are not in danger from zombie viruses. So, in order to conduct research for this study, Jean-Marie resurrected the zombie virus to study it. After the research was completed, it was discovered that the virus has the potential to be contagious and is thus a health threat. As permafrost continues to melt and release long-dormant viruses, they also issued a warning that the globe may see additional pandemics like COVID-19. According to the scientists, we need to consider the other viruses that have been hibernating beneath those permafrost layers for millions of years. We don’t know how those viruses could have evolved or what harm they will do to the human species if they do.The scientists are resurrecting these viruses in order to study them and determine whether or not they pose a threat to humans, but what if the results of their research lead to another epidemic of a virus like covid? Because the viruses may not come back to life if the scientists don’t do so, they may remain dormant or they may come back to life and begin to spread.Along with this, a Chinese video of a dead man acting like a zombie is becoming very popular. Have we already entered the zombie apocalypse? If that is accurate, what would happen? In that case, what should we do?Please comment and let us know.


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